Mixed Tournament - October 19, 2024

Competición de Pádel
There are three categories:

Gold Category: Over 450 points
Silver Category: 450 points or less
Bronze Category: Maximum of 250 points
How to determine which category to register in:

Identify your skill level based on the following points system:

If the combined points of the two players is 250 points or less, you must register in the Bronze category. If the sum is between 300 and a maximum of 450 points, you should register in the Silver category. If the total exceeds 450 points, please register in the Gold category.

Level guide below:

Level 50 (Beginner) = 50 points
Level 100 (High Beginner) = 100 points
Level 100 +( Very high Beginner) = 150 points
Level 200 ( Beginner-Intermediate) = 200 points
Level 300 (Intermediate ) = 300 points
Level 400 ( Intermediate-Advanced) = 400 points
Level 500 ( Advanced ) = 500 points
Level 700 ( top Luxembourg players ) = 700 points

IMPORTANT: To make the tournament more enjoyable and fun, pairs cannot be composed of players with a difference of more than 3 categories. For example, a player at level 100 can play with a maximum of one at level 400. Similarly, a player at level 50 can play with a player at level 200 as a maximum.
El plazo de inscripción ha finalizado.